2 Wings


2 wing 1

  • 2 likability and helpfulness from a place of 1 superego and virtue

  • service-oriented out of principle, often in thankless positions, find it rewarding in itself, pride in being overlooked

  • more "good" than 2w3, less flashy, more behind-the-scenes

  • less outwardly aggressive/controlling than 2w3, passive-aggressive way of controlling others

  • more idealistic and hard on themselves

  • more gut energy, superego pull

  • ex. Michelle Obama, Mr. Rogers, Dr. Phil

2 wing 3

  • 2 likability and helpfulness from a place of 3 action and achievement 

  • more focused on "inspiring" and motivating rather than behind-the-scenes thankless duty

  • more likely to be the centre of attention but still not want to see themselves as self-focused in any way

  • more grand-scale charity, larger organizations, human resources, more about "relationships" and "results"

  • more adaptable to be exactly what you need, "altruistic VIP"

  • more aggressive and/or smothering, not the quiet background helper 

  • ​ex. Tim Meadows, Liberace, Sammy Davis Jr.