8 wings


8 wing 7

  • 8 grand self from a place of 7 fun and mental energy

  • more extraverted and out there, more cocky

  • the "I want" energy from 7 just gives the 8 lust license to grab and over-extend 

  • sometimes delight in messing things up rather than building them up

  • enjoy pranks and using humour more than 8w9, really tell it like it is

  • ex. Donald Trump, Alec Baldwin, Bette Davis

8 wing 9

  • 8 grand self from a place of 9 reserve and calm

  • more simple and no-nonsense, don't say as much as 8w7, less mental energy

  • strength from a place of calm rather than 8w7 rapid-fire release

  • want to make things solid and structured, self-fortified

  • more likely to "endure" and then attack rather than throw the first punch, they'll steadily bring you down with the force of the earth, double gut

  • ex. Sean Connery, Bob Marley, Adolf Hitler